Welcome to Hybro on ThePoultrySite...
...and welcome to the future of broiler breeding. In a world where consumer demands are many, varied and increasingly powerful - Hybro's dedicated, world-class programme of product development, evaluation and commercial implementation is proven, to give you the advantage.

Hybro PN, PG+ and G+ are a direct result of over fifty years spent at the forefront of genetic advancement, combined with an unwavering commitment to strengthening our customers' positions in their own, specific markets.

Hybro Products

Latest news

<% 'hybro advertiser id = 17 Set rs = DBCat.Execute("SELECT TOP 4 NewsId, Title FROM Tbl_News where review<>1 AND advertiser=17 ORDER BY DateIn DESC") while not rs.eof %> <%=rs("title")%>
<% rs.moveNext wend %>
Recent Publications

<% 'hybro advertiser id = 17 Set rs = DBCat.Execute("SELECT TOP 4 ArticleId, Title FROM Tbl_FA where review<>1 AND advertiser=17 ORDER BY DateIn DESC") while not rs.eof %> <%=rs("title")%>
<% rs.moveNext wend %>
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