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Ceva Pig

Este medicamento está sujeto a prescripción veterinaria. El acceso a la información técnica está restringido a veterinarios



Alfaprostol es una prostaglandina sintética, análogo estructural a la prostaglandina natural PGF2α. La actividad del alfaprostol es similar a la PGF2α endógena, causando la lisis del cuerpo lúteo cíclico, del cuerpo lúteo persistente y del cuerpo lúteo grávido. Alfaprostol se absorbe rápida y completamente después de su administración intramuscular. Se distribuye en todos los tejidos y órganos después de ser metabolizado. Los metabolitos son eliminados a través de la orina y las heces.

If you wish to contact Ceva please visit their contact page

Product indications, usage instructions & withdrawal periods may vary by Country.
Always follow label instructions and consult your veteriarian or pig health adviser.

This page contains information on veterinary pharmaceutical and biological products that are sold in several different countries and areas where they may be marketed under different trade names and pursuant to different regulatory approvals. Accordingly, ThePigSite and CEVA SANTE ANIMALE give no guarantee that the details presented are correct with respect to all locations.

Advertisments and/or reference to commercial products or trade names within information provided by ThePigSite.com does not constitute an endorsement by ThePigSite.com and does not imply discrimination against any other similar products. This information is aimed at veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, pharmacists or professional keepers of pig.


